
Iomega 1TB Network Hard-Drive: slow transfer rate

by Guest176  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I thought 6mb/per sec was bad, that was when i first got it. That was wireless / wired, it made no difference. I have also changed my router which has not altered the t/r. It has now dropped to 200-500 kb/per second! Shockingly slow!!!!!!! HELP!

 Tags: 1tb, Harddrive, IOMEGA, network, Rate, slow, transfer



  1. Guest7883
    I have the same problem. I did a live chat with Iomega support and this is what i was told.
    Brett: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any transfer speeds. As long as the device is able to transfer the data we are unable to give support. The reason is because there are a lot of different factors on a network that can change the transfer speed of the device. Even if the issue is with a single device.

  2. Guest604

     I have the same problem.

    Iomega F*** YOU!

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