
Iphone 4 or BlackBerry Torch do you prefer?

by Guest101518  |  10 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Are you thinking about changing cell phone and do not know which one to choose? If what you want is a smartphone that suits your needs comunicaciÃ_ny entertainment, and, of course, will match your fast pace of life, we offer a couple of options you can maybe help decide on any of these or why not?, by any of them.

The TechnoBuffalo company commissioned to make a very extensive comparison (almost 23 minutes) between two cell phones that are causing a sensation among captive users, and not as captives, two of the companies most searched on market: Mac and BlackBerry. In this comparison were tested on the one hand, the Iphone 4, and on the other the BlackBerry Torch, teams that are currently the star of each of these companies. To make it more organized confrontation divided into 10 categories:

Call Quality



E -mail

User Interface and Navigation

Enter Text




Battery Life

Obviously for these features apply 100%, it is necessary to take into account some important factors such as: the company that offers the service of telephony, your place of residence, and so on. Either way, it pays to see the comparison. This is the video, the problem is that it is a little long and not subtitled, but still give you an idea to help you make a better decision.

 Tags: Blackberry, iphone, prefer, Torch



  1. Guest101831
    Are you thinking about changing cell phone and do not know which one to choose? If what you want is a smartphone that suits your needs comunicaciÃ_ny entertainment, and, of course, will match your fast pace of life, we offer a couple of options you can maybe help decide on any of these or why not?, by any of them.

    The TechnoBuffalo company commissioned to make a very extensive comparison (almost 23 minutes) between two cell phones that are causing a sensation among captive users, and not as captives, two of the companies most searched on market: Mac and BlackBerry. In this comparison were tested on the one hand, the Iphone 4, and on the other the BlackBerry Torch, teams that are currently the star of each of these companies. To make it more organized confrontation divided into 10 categories:

    Call Quality



    E -mail

    User Interface and Navigation

    Enter Text




    Battery Life

    Obviously for these features apply 100%, it is necessary to take into account some important factors such as: the company that offers the service of telephony, your place of residence, and so on. Either way, it pays to see the comparison. This is the video, the problem is that it is a little long and not subtitled, but still give you an idea to help you make a better decision.

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