
Is Gotheborg a good place to visit in UK?

by Guest87  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I have got a student to UK, I will be going there, I have heard of Gotheborg, Is it a good place to visit.

 Tags: Gotheborg, UK, Visit



  1. Guest4041
    Gotheborg is a Swedish ship which is a full scale replacement of East India merchant vessel, It is the only ship of its kind. The original East Indiaman Götheborg ran aground at the entrance to Gothenburg port on 12 September 1745. The ship was fully laden with goods such as tea, porcelain, silk and spices, and had almost reached dock after her third voyage to China, which had lasted a full 30 months.The ship sank but the crew survived and historians believe that the sinking was a deliberate insurance scam.
    The launch of the current ship took place on 6 June 2003 in the presence of his Royal Highness Carl Gustaf. A large contingent from the press and thousands of onlookers also attended the launch.

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