
Is Justin BieberThe Beatles, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson rolled into one

by Guest6112  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Is Justin BieberThe Beatles, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson rolled into one

 Tags: Beatles, BieberThe, Elvis, JACKSON, Justin, Michael, Presley, rolled



  1. Guest9653
    As his fame and popularity soar, Justin must sometimes look back to how it all began: with a humble account on the YouTube website onto which he and his mother uploaded videos of him singing. Fate would lift him and his mother from their humble existence in a small town in Canada to the very heart of the music industry in America. There, the record company boss who gleefully signed him believed he had found a star who could be as successful as The Beatles, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson rolled into one.

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