
Is Molly Wei Innocent?

by Guest8762  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Dharun Ravi set his roommate Tyler Clementi and Molly wei just shared her room with dharun ravi. She had nothing to do with the prank and I think she is innocent. What are your opinions.

 Tags: innocent, Molly, WEI



  1. Guest9798

    Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei were accused for incursion of privacy after supposedly sharing video of Ravi's roommate, Tyler Clementi, engaged in a sexual encounter with another man. As per the story, on September 19th, Clementi asked Ravi to have their room to himself for the night. Ravi went to hang out with Wei, a friend from high school, and asked to use her computer “to make sure if anything wrongwas taking place inside his room," according to a friend. Ravi purportedly opened his webcam, closed the video feed as soon as he saw what was going on, and then wrote about it on Twitter allegedly two days later, which suggested that he was planning to intentionally stream footage of Clementi with another man. After the incident, Tyler Clementi committed suicide on September 22nd, 2010. He jumped off the George Washington Bridge in New York City, hit the Hudson River at nearly 200 miles per hour and died instantly. It is unclear if anyone other than Ravi and Wei saw the first live video feed and Ravi has been charged with two additional counts for allegedly planning to webcast the video on a second occasion, suggesting Wei was not involved. Where the prosecutors weigh additional charges against two Rutgers University students, attorneys for Molly Wei, one of accused, say their client is innocent. The attorneys representing Molly Wei, released a statement asserting her innocence.

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