
Is Soshy( Deborah Epstein) g*y?

by Guest9574  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Is Soshy( Deborah Epstein) g*y?

 Tags: Deborah, Epstein, gay, Soshy



  1. Guest1880
    Yes,she is but very in the closet.
  2. Guest9048
    Epstein was bisexual,but now she prefers only girls.Let's just say I know it.
  3. Guest3650
    Yes,she is g*y.I know if from a friend who also knows her.As far as I know she is single now.She broke up with her girlf one year ago.Sorry for her
  4. Guest4236
    I saw a lot of interviews where people ask her about her boyf.She avoids the questions like h**l.She always says she won't tell.It's sounds very strange.If we do not have a boyf we simply say we do not or even lie we have one.But telling people she won't tell -is completly out od mind.I do think she is g*y,really..
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