
Is Web Hosting 1 affordable or not?

by Guest775  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I just want want to know that web hosting 1 is affordable or not. I want to use web hosting 1 for my new website.

 Tags: affordable, Hosting, Web



  1. Guest945

    A web hosting service is an Internet hosting service that allows the individuals and organizations to make and develop their own website that is accessible through the World Wide Web. Web hosts are those companies that provide space on the server which they own or lease for use by the clients and also provide the internet connectivity such as in a data center. These Web hosts can provide space in the data center and connectivity to Internet for some servers as they do not need to get located , known as collocation or Housing which is commonly called in Latin America or France.

    There are some Free Web Hosting Service which are then offered by some of different companies with limited services, and sometimes these are supported by advertisements, and most often these are limited when they are compared to paid hosting.

    There are two cost elements which are involved in the creation and formation of a web site. The first is known as a minor cost that involves the registration of domain name and about what you pay the web hosting company for the rent of hosting the site.

    The second is about what you pay someone to actually someone to create the site for you. Details of both of these outlined below and the detailed instructions can be found in the Domain Name Registration page. There might be some on-going maintenance costs which depends on how often you require these changes to be made to the site when the site is complete.

    The first thing about the cost is related to fee payable to the registrar at a price of about 3 Pound to 10 Pound. Then there is a cost of running the website. These charges will be like 2 Pound to 10 Pound per month and these charges have to pay in advance. The annual charge for the registration will be from 3 Pound to 10 Pound Per annum. Normally the cost of the website ranging from 5 to 10 pages will cost round about 400 pounds to 700 pounds.


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