
Is Zardari better than musharraf

by Guest8174  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Is Zardari better than musharraf

 Tags: Musharraf, zardari



  1. Guest405
    i don't think so, not even close, Musharraf was the best, i hope he comes back. instead of Zardari his name should be Ghardazi.

  2. Brett
    when choosing between the two evils . i would like to choose the one i haven't tried before.lets give zardari a chance ..
  3. Guest1845
    zardari is the best ................... criminal
  4. michellegoril
    U havent tried zardari :P well zarnigar how old are you right now if u are even  in ur 20s then u should remember the time when benazir was in power they were named as the most corrupted couple in the world bbc showed documentary on him mr 10% he even killed his brother in law and i wouldnt be surprised if i would heard tommorow that he killed his wife im not a very big fan of musharaf but he was much better than these illetrate goons who cannot make world understand what they mean all he can say is DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST REVENGE and ive LOST MY WIFE IN WAR AGAINST TERRORISM i would say that dictatorship is best for pakistan these corrupt politicians need danda on there heads all the time
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