
Is it ok for my sister to give me a bath while I'm sick.

by Jarold  |  9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I'm really sick and need a shower but I'm to weak. I don't feel too comfortable with my parents giving me a bath and I have 2 brothers that I really don't want them to. My sister is two years younger than me and I guess I would feel comfortable with her giving me a bath/shower but I don't know how to ask my parents without seeming like a perv. How do I ask them and my sister. Me and my sister aren't too close but I've seen her naked once or twice and she has seen me about same amount of times. What should I do? Should I ask her first or my parents. I'm 15 and she is 13. Pls help

 Tags: bath, im, OK, sick, sister

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