
Is it true Mario Lemieux once scored 5 goals in a game 5 different ways?

by Brad Isaac  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Is it true Mario Lemieux once scored 5 goals in a game 5 different ways?

 Tags: game, Goals, lemieux, Mario, scored, true



  1. Jasdev Grewal

     Yes, it is true that Mario Lemieux scored 5 goals 5 different ways. On December 31, 1988, Lemieux collected 8 points, 5 goals and 3 assists, in an 8-6 win over the New Jersey Devils. He an even-strength goal, a power play goal, a shorthanded goal, a penalty shot goal, and an empty net goal. These are the only ways a player is able to score a goal and Lemieux was able to do it in one game. 

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Brad Isaac


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