
Is there a lady named Mona Awad, Halifax Bank in Nottingham I am Mr. Omar BOUHRAOUA I have money in the bank Look at the mHello omar bouhroua Top of the day to you. Following recent unfortunate incidences in the life of our esteemed customer, Mrs. Yolanda Abu; we have been duly informed by essages

by OMAR bOUHRAOUA  |  12 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Is there a lady named Mona Awad, Halifax Bank in Nottingham I am Mr. Omar BOUHRAOUA I have money in the bank Look at the mHello omar bouhroua   Top of the day to you. Following recent unfortunate incidences in the life of our esteemed customer, Mrs. Yolanda Abu; we have been duly informed by essages

 Tags: Abu, Am, Awad, bank, BOUHRAOUA, bouhroua, customer, Day, duly, essages, esteemed, following, Halifax, incidences, informed, Lady, life, look, mHello, mona, money, named, Nottingham, Omar, recent, top, unfortunate, yolanda

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