
Hypertension diet recommended to patients by doctors

by Guest11534  |  12 years, 5 month(s) ago

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Whenever a person is known to be suffering from some kind of a disease, often he or she has to follow a certain diet plan as recommended by the doctor along with some medicines. I would like to know if there is a specific hypertension diet recommended by the doctors to the patients or they can eat whatever they like to.

 Tags: diet, doctors, hypertension, patients, recommended



  1. Harrydgr8

    People suffering from hypertension have to take very good care of their health. In doing so they need to have a very controlled diet as an uncontrolled hypertension may lead to problems like stroke, heart failure and renal failure. Generally it is believed that people with hypertension must avoid having red meat, sweets and other salt enriched foods as well as caffeine. Besides, consumption of alcohol and too much smoking should also be avoided. The patients can include bananas, watermelons, carrots, radishes, onions, garlic, brown ice, whole grain pasta, wheat bread, fish and low-fat milk in their diet.

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