
Is there any Refund of Lost Ticket in Shaheen air international?

by Guest3046  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I have lost the ticket of Shaheen air international and want to refund that ticket. Is there any Refund of Lost Ticket in Shaheen air international? Can someone tell me that?

 Tags: air, INTERNATIONAL, Lost, refund, shaheen, ticket



  1. Guest5189
    If a ticket or portion thereof is lost, refund will be made on proof of loss satisfactory to Carrier and upon payment of any applicable service charge, on condition in Shaheen air international: that the lost ticket, or portion thereof, has not been used, previously refunded or replaced, and That the person to whom the refund is made undertakes, in such form as may be prescribed by Carrier, to repay to Carrier the amount refunded in the event and to the extent that the lost ticket or portion thereof is used by any person or that refund thereof is made to any person in possession of the ticket.

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