
Is there any Sony Ericsson’s “Playstation Phone”?

by Guest8066  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Sony Ericsson’s “Playstation Phone”. Does anyone know the details about  Sony Ericsson’s “Playstation Phone”?

 Tags: ericssons, phone, Playstation, Sony



  1. Guest3393
    Yes, it’s absolutely real. The screen is “mind-blowing”, on-par (at least by the tipster’s eye) with the iPhone 4′s retina display. The person giving them the rundown on the display indicated that some of Sony’s Bravia technology has trickled in here, with Sony Ericsson considering leveraging the Bravia brand when highlighting the display. It won’t ship in time for the holidays, with our tipster saying it was “no where near ready”. According to their Sony-Ericsson rep, the company is off-the-record-officially aiming for February. At this point, a launch scheduled around Mobile World Congress is nearly certain. Sony Ericsson currently has the off-contract price floating somewhere around $500, with that purchase including 5 free games. It’s unclear whether the “Playstation Phone” is capable of running actual (downloaded) PSP games — I’d wager that it’s not, given what I’ve heard and the amount of emulation work that would be required. We’re likely looking at a new, independent line-up of games built specifically for this platform, which might explain why Sony Ericsson is reportedly planning on pushing this handset with the XPERIA brand rather than the more recognizable Playstation brand. Sony Ericsson is heavily leveraging Sony’s licensing partnerships, though, with names like Tekken being thrown around. Games will purportedly be priced like mobile games, not like PSP games. In other words, expect sub-$10, not sub-$40.

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