
Is there any charges at Amora Hotel Jamison for credit card payment?

by Guest4898  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I mostly use credit card for payment and want to know that Is there any charges at Amora Hotel Jamison for credit card payment? I heard that we have to pay some charges for credit card payment at Amora Hotel Jamison.

 Tags: Amora, card, charges, credit, Hotel, JAMISON, payment



  1. Guest5376
    Payments by credit card will incur a transaction fee reflecting bank charges incurred by Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney for card payments.
    Current fees are 1.5% of the transaction total for Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, American Express and JCB Card.
    Fees are subject to change, and applicable fees will be confirmed on check-in.
    Payments by Cash or EFTPOS do not incur transaction fees. Guests may elect to change method of payment on check-out to Cash or EFTPOS to avoid these fees.

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