
Is there anything other than Strattera I can take for ADD (I also have hypertension)?

by Guest9613  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Strattera makes me very tired. 80 mg did wonders for my frustration level and quieted the tornado in my brain, but I get so tired between 1-2 pm that I am a hag to my kids and can't function without a nap. Dose was lowered to 60 mg - therapeutic effect is no longer optimal, and I'm STILL having mid-day exhaustion and general fatigue ALL THE TIME.

 Tags: add, hypertension, Strattera



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    There are many drugs that can be prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD. There are stimulant drugs that dramatically increase attention and focus. Some of these are Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Provigil, to name a few. There are SSRIs (seratonin re-uptake inhibitors)like Wellbutrin and Paxil. These drugs improve overall well-being and can diminish the symptoms of depression. Feedback on the efficacy of these drugs for treatment of ADD/ADHD is mixed. There is also a drug called Strattera, which is an adrenaline re-uptake inhibitor. It works much the same way SSRIs work; preventing re-uptake of adrenaline. Since all people react differently to medications, I reccommend keeping a brief journal (great for us ADD/ADHD folks!). I also recommend that you talk to your doctor, visit websites of drug makers for a concise list of side effects, and continue to visit the forums. I also recommend that you visit This site focuses on living with ADD/ADHD. It is primarily for women and girls, BUT it has wonderful advice for men and boys, too! I also recommend subscribing to ATEENTION magazine. Great for families dealing/living with ADD/ADHD.

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