
JYP Online Audition. Hi everyone I applied for the JYP online Audition 2 weeks ago And I got the

by Guest6062  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Hi everyone
I applied for the JYP online Audition 2 weeks ago
And I got the email from the artist training team of JYPE saying my application for the JYP onlnineaudition is complete
But when I went to their audition site and checked the "review the application" page, and it says "No history of registration form in progress."
And I've done the online audition twice but I never got the comments from them...
Plus, I actually dont know where I need to check to see the comments.

Do you think the JYPE got my audition video?
and Has anyone got comments from the JYPE training team?
if you have, where did you find the comments?


 Tags: Audition, JYP, online



  1. Guest5798
    hmmm i haven't had a response yet.  but i actually really wanted to change my audition video because the quality sucks, but it keeps loading the audio without the video.  the size isnt bigger than 50mb.  do you know what's the prob? i even downloaded their codec...

  2. Guest9
    i can´t even upload my video , because its say somthing like ´´internal error´´ :S  can you help me please?
  3. Guest1051
    It's supposed to show on that one page..
    If it doesn't I think it means that there is something wrong.
    If the application is sent you should get an automatic email saying they received it. Didn't any comments just got an email.
    Hope this helps and you still need an answer..
  4. Guest978
    I have the same problem. It says internal error. When i checked it said some of the files didn't even exist so I don't know what i was downloading.
  5. Guest524
    I have the same problem. It says internal error. When i checked it said some of the files didn't even exist so I don't know what i was downloading.
  6. Guest6589
    I have the same problem. It says internal error. When i checked it said some of the files didn't even exist so I don't know what i was downloading.
  7. Guest9601

    hey i sent mine and got an email saying they received it and qualifiers will be notified within 3 weeks...question is, on the site it said 2 weeks???...

  8. Guest6660

    i got the email from jyp saying that they've received it. but when i clicked on my "application review", they said i dont have any history registered.

  9. Guest3291

    i can't upload mine too =(


    its says internal error blabla =(

    can somebody hep me  =(

  10. Guest2826

    well, on there audition website, if you go to their 'audition tips' and go to #6, it says that all the reviewed filed will be deleted in 7 days after the screening process.

    so,.. that might be the reason. but i'm not completely sure.

  11. Guest8489

    one reason why it says no history is because if you go to their audition website, and go to 'audition tips', and go to #6, it says that all reviewed files will be deleted after the screening process.

    So,.. that might be the reason why they aren't there anymore. But i'm not to completely sure.

    hope that helped in some way!

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