Questions & Answers on Amanda

  • Will Amanda Bynes seek help after her latest DUI?
    avatar20.jpgCategory: People/Relationships | Answers: 1
  • Is Amanda Bynes going crazy?
    It seems like she Tweets random foolishness and her style is getting weirder.
    avatar13.jpgCategory: People/Relationships | Answers: 1
  • What is the tragic story of Amanda Knox?
    I read in an article about Amanda Knox but do not know her whole story. Can someone tell me the story of Amanda Kno...
    avatar8.jpgAnswers: 1
  • Who is Amanda Knox?
    I read an article about this girl's tragedy. Can someone tell me that who is Amanda Knox?
    avatar22.jpgAnswers: 1
  • What is The Amanda Knox Story movie all about?
    I heard about this movie The Amanda Knox Story but i did not get the story. Can someone tell me that what is The Am...
    avatar14.jpgAnswers: 1
  • I need a scene name,my name is amanda.
    My name is Amanda and im in need of a scene name to go along with my name please help (:
    avatar14.jpgCategory: Teens | Answers: 2
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