Questions & Answers on LGAT

  • What is the LGAT admission test registration fee in LUMS?
    I want to register for LGAT admission test, what is the fee for the registration.
    avatar11.jpgAnswers: 1
  • What is the duration of the LGAT admission test in LUMS?
    what is the time duration of LGAT admission test in LUMS university and if I have completed it before time can I be...
    avatar1.jpgAnswers: 1
  • What is the minimum score required in LGAT for admission in LUMS?
    I have given LGAT test for admission in LUMS, now I want to know that what is minimum score required in LGAT for ad...
    avatar10.jpgAnswers: 1
  • What is LUMS Graduate Admission Test (LGAT)?
    I heard that before admission I have to give LGAT test, what is that LGAT test.
    avatar16.jpgAnswers: 1
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