Questions & Answers on OGRA

  • What would be the outcome of NUST signing MoU with OGRA?
    After the successful MoU between NUST university and OGRA I want to know what benefits OGRA can provide to NUST stu...
    avatar11.jpgCategory: Education | Answers: 1
  • Which official signed MoU between NUST and OGRA?
    Do you know who signed MoU with OGRA on the behalf of the NUST university and OGRA Pakistan
    avatar4.jpgCategory: Education | Answers: 1
  • What is the purpose of signing the MoU between NUST & OGRA?
    As NUST do not offer Oil and Gas related courses, I want to know the purpose of this MoU signing with OGRA Pakistan
    avatar13.jpgAnswers: 1
  • When NUST university signed MoU with OGRA Pakistan?
    I have heard the MoU has been signed between NUST and OGRA, do you know the day when this event happened?
    avatar10.jpgAnswers: 1
  • Why NUST signed MoU with OGRA Pakistan?
    Do you know what would be the outcome of NUST signing MoU with oil and gas regulatory authority of Pakistan?
    avatar20.jpgAnswers: 1
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