Questions & Answers on Oily

  • Homemade skin care tips for dry skin and oily skin.
    My skin is dry whereas my younger sister has an oily skin. If I bring some skin care products from the market they...
    avatar3.jpgAnswers: 3
  • Best Facial Soap for Oily Skin
    Please recommend me some good facial soap for oily skin. I get my face oily within an hour after washing it. If I w...
    avatar1.jpgCategory: Style | Answers: 1
  • Best and easy way to exfoliate oily skin
    One of my very good and close friends has a very oily skin tone. She always feels uncomfortable due to this. Please...
    avatar6.jpgAnswers: 1
  • How to do facial at home for oily skin?
    My sister has oily skin, she always seeking for some good and healthy remedies for it. Now I need to know how to do...
    avatar18.jpgAnswers: 1
  • Best foundation for oily skin
    Which is the best foundation for oily skin?
    avatar12.jpgCategory: Recreation/Outdoors | Answers: 1
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Records