Questions & Answers on holi

  • what day is Holi on in 2010?
    I am in India and I will be staying for 2 months more. I like Indian Holi festival. Anyone please tell me when is t...
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  • how Holi is celebrated
    I am new to Holi and a friend has invited me to Holi festival party in Melbourne. I want to know about clothes to w...
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  • when is Holi this year
    I am planning to go to India this year and I want to enjoy their Holi festival but I don�t know when is Holi this y...
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  • where did Holi festival day become an official holiday?
    I am writing some articles about Holi and I want to know that where did Holi become official holiday for the first...
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  • when was Holi 2009?
    I visited India last year but I don't remember the date, what I remember is that it was Holi there.
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  • what is Holi?
    I am in Bangalore India and it is going to be Holi next week. I want to know what Holi is and what it is Holi's his...
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  • what does Holi symbolize
    I have little idea about Indian Holi festival. Can anyone tell me what Holi symbolize.
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  • what are the colors used for Holi card
    I am making some Holi cards and I want to know your opinions about colors used in making Holi cards.
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  • what do Sikhs eat at Holi and why
    Some Sikh friends of mine are joining me for Holi and I don't know what they like eating during Holi.
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  • why does the Sikhs celebrate Holi?
    I read Holi history and it is a Hindu festival, I am curious to know that why does Sikhs celebrate Holi festival.
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  • how do Sikhs celebrate Holi?
    I have invited some Sikh family friends for Holi and I want to know that how Sikhs celebrate Holi.
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  • who celebrates Holi?
    I am writing about Holi festival and I want to know about all the countries where Holi is celebrated.
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  • is Holi originated from china?
    I read this article about Holi that it originated from some remote parts of china. Is this information correct.
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  • when in 2007 was Holi?
    I am looking for diwali date back in Holi. If anyone remember it please let me know.
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  • what is Holi festival 2010?
    I received a parcel from India and Holi festival 2010 is written on the back side of the parcel. Does anyone knows...
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  • when is Holi 2010
    I am visiting India and I want to witness their Holi festival. Anyone please tell me when is Holi 2010.
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  • what do people do during the Holi celebration?
    I am going to Holi party and I want to know what people do during Holi celebration.
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  • why do you celebrate Holi?
    Friends keep asking me this question that we celebrate Holi and I don't have good answer for that. Anyone please he...
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  • what does Holi mean ?
    I am writing some Holi cards and I want to know the meaning of the word Holi.
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  • what do they drink during the festival of Holi?
    I visited India last year and I went to a Holi festival party and I was given a drink and it was very good. If anyo...
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Showing 21 to 40 of 43 Records