Questions & Answers on overpayments

  • How does the HMRC deals with UK tax credits overpayments in the country?
    there are many people I know who have been receiving some extra payments in taxes and would like to know the role o...
    avatar2.jpgCategory: Cities/Towns | Answers: 1
  • Why do the overpayments happen by the Directgov digital services?
    I have heard so much about the wrong payments made by the government in the uk and I was wondering in what conditio...
    avatar16.jpgCategory: Cities/Towns | Answers: 1
  • How can I pay back overpayments to the UK government?
    I am a British citizen and I am in doubt of received overpayments by the government. Need to know the procedure for...
    avatar16.jpgCategory: Cities/Towns | Answers: 1
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