
Kitimat Ranges?

by Guest2563  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Kitimat Ranges?

 Tags: kitimat, ranges



  1. GiGi
    he Kitimat Ranges are one of the three main subdivisions of the Coast Mountains in Canada, the other being the Pacific Ranges to the south and the Boundary Ranges to the north. They lie between the Nass River in the north and the Bella Coola River and Burke Channel on the south, are bounded on their east by the Hazelton Mountains and include the mountainous islands of the North Coastal Archipelago as well as King Island, which lies between Dean Channel and the aforesaid Burke Channel. Some of those islands are part of a separate formation known as the Coastal Trough.
    Although lower than the neighbouring Pacific Ranges to the south, they are in some ways more rugged and are heavily indented by coastal inlets as well as by fjord-like lake valleys on the Interior side of the range.

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