
Kool-Aid Ocean

by Guest9897  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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How many Kool-Aid packets would it take to turn the ocean into Kool-Aid?

 Tags: Kool-Aid, ocean



  1. Guest7718
    There are 332,500,000 cubic miles of ocean water on earth.

    There are 1,199,390,720,000 gallons in a cubic mile of water.

    One packet of Kool-Aid will flavor 2 quarts of water.

    There are 4 quarts in a gallon.

    If we presume for a moment that we do not need to add sugar, and that the salt in the sea water is of no consequence, and that we are unconcerned about all aquatic life in the ocean, we would need this many packets:

    332,500,000 x 1,199,390,720,000 x 2 = 797,594,828,800,000,000,000 packets or almost 800 quintillion packets. At .13 ounces per packet, that's 3,240,228,992,000,000 tons of Kool-Aid.

    Now the big question is grape...

    or cherry...

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