
Learn how to create an interior with Feng Shui

by Guest101465  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Feng Shui literally means "wind and water" and is an ancient practice that is based on the balance of the environment and the invisible energies of nature. It is the art of creating a great place to promote the health, welfare and success environment. Therefore, in the world of decoration is highly recommended and is a must follow some basic rules.

Since the challenge is finding the perfect balance to facilitate the circulation of qi (vital energy) in our homes, Feng Shui decoration rejects, as a rule, the corners and edges on walls, furniture and objects. Be very careful with the little used rooms, such as attics and cupboards, where the vital energy can be "trapped ".

The most important thing for a follower of Feng Shui is to banish clutter since no energy can flow properly in a messy house. So if you want to get a space Feng Shui begins to store, throw it cluttering and open spaces.

Tips you need to know

The Feng Shui starts with the front door. Ideally, the input is large, clear and bright, you can decorate with plants and install a small chime to generate beneficial energy. What you should not do is put in front of the door mirrors.

The room should be warm, welcoming and with a clear vision, choose bright and cheerful colors and good lighting. We recommend placing at least two chairs opposite the sofa and keep the TV is the dominant element of the room.

Plants, bouquets and a small fountain that reminds us the sounds of water are essential.


 Tags: create, feng, Interior, learn, shui



  1. Guest101778
    Feng Shui literally means "wind and water" and is an ancient practice that is based on the balance of the environment and the invisible energies of nature. It is the art of creating a great place to promote the health, welfare and success environment. Therefore, in the world of decoration is highly recommended and is a must follow some basic rules.

    Since the challenge is finding the perfect balance to facilitate the circulation of qi (vital energy) in our homes, Feng Shui decoration rejects, as a rule, the corners and edges on walls, furniture and objects. Be very careful with the little used rooms, such as attics and cupboards, where the vital energy can be "trapped ".

    The most important thing for a follower of Feng Shui is to banish clutter since no energy can flow properly in a messy house. So if you want to get a space Feng Shui begins to store, throw it cluttering and open spaces.

    Tips you need to know

    The Feng Shui starts with the front door. Ideally, the input is large, clear and bright, you can decorate with plants and install a small chime to generate beneficial energy. What you should not do is put in front of the door mirrors.

    The room should be warm, welcoming and with a clear vision, choose bright and cheerful colors and good lighting. We recommend placing at least two chairs opposite the sofa and keep the TV is the dominant element of the room.

    Plants, bouquets and a small fountain that reminds us the sounds of water are essential.


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