
Linking a URL to a Button in Flash

by Guest5640  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am new to html and I want to know how Linking a URL to a Button in Flash. Can you tell me how to do it.

 Tags: button, Flash, linking, url



  1. Guest2977

     This appears to be a difficult for beginners to Flash, and I considered I'd address it. When construction a Flash-navigated location, you require to connection one sheet to another through the blink interface, just like you would a <a href="otherpage.html">my link</a> in HTML/XHTML.

    Once you've conceived your button on the sheet, you can connection the button very simply. Right-click it, and choose "Actions" from the menu. This will open the ActionScript reviewer, in which you can right ActionScript code. Don't worry. It's not comprehensive to put this connection in.

    Make certain you are in Expert Mode, by banging the projectile in the upper-right hand corner and choosing "Expert Mode". Now kind the next cipher into the editor.

    on (release) {

    getURL ("the_linked_page.htm","_self","GET");


    The button you conceived will now proceed to that connection when the mouse bangs it. The get URL function has a prototype that is like this:

    getURL(URL [,window [, method]])

    The window and the procedure are optional parameters. The URL characterise the asset you desire to access. This could be an unconditional address, for example "" or relation to the sheet that comprises the blink video for example "myotherpage.htm". The window argument characterises the window that you desire the URL to burden in. This could be one of the following:

    "_self" - Targets the window that the video is in.

    "_new" - Opens URL in a new window

    "_top" - Only helpful in a framset, goals the peak frameset

    "_parent" - Targets parent window in a framset

    "myWindowName" - where "MyWindowName" mentions to the title of a border in a frameset

    The last argument is one in which the procedure in which the URL is demanded, and is either "GET" or "POST". For most of your tasks, you will commonly use "GET". "POST" is for posting pattern facts and numbers, but you generally use the load Variables function to this.

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