
Load shedding reasons

by Guest6884  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What are the Load shedding reasons and why can't they be solved?

 Tags: Load, Reasons, shedding



  1. Guest1409
    they are done to conserve the power wattage output. with very unequal distribution of power in all village, and small towns, the urban areas are consuming all the electricity. if measures are not taken to conserve the energy we will have energy shortages.

  2. Guest5931
    it is bad government policy
  3. Guest2875
    We don't have enough resources
  4. Guest2749
    in my opinion its coz of us ourself if we stop wasting electricity for example we keep the cell fone charger on if we dnt need it we keep the electronic equipments on standby mode and many other things.But yeah i agree the reason for Load shading is a bad government policy we pay Tax we do every thing but still we dnt have the facilities that we need.....
  5. Guest5955
    agreed with Mr. Haseeb
  6. Guest1975
    It a fact that our government has bad policies but we can't blame our government for everything. One of the most important factors is that we mis-use electricity.
  7. Guest8435
    agreed with guest 12471
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