
Longest Rivers

by Guest1146  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Please provide me with a list of longest rivers. I'm not asking particularly about longest rivers in any country, it can be world wide!

 Tags: Rivers



  1. Guest828
    Complete statistical information regarding the top ten rivers of the world is as follows:
    1. Nile River - Africa - 4,160 miles - 6,695 km
    2. Amazon River - South America - 4,049 miles - 6,516 km
    3. Yangtze River - Asia - 3,964 miles - 6,380 km
    4. Mississippi-Missouri River System* - North America - 3,709 miles - 5,969 km
    5. Ob-Irtysh Rivers - Asia - 3,459 miles - 5,568 km
    6. Yenisey-Angara-Selenga Rivers - Asia - 3,448 miles - 5550 km
    7. Huang He (Yellow River) - Asia - 3,395 miles - 5,464 km
    8. Congo River - Africa - 2,900 miles - 4,667 km
    9. Rio de la Plata-Parana - South America - 2,796 miles - 4,500 km
    10. Mekong River - Asia - 2,749 miles - 4,425 km

    * The Missouri River is, hydrologically, the upstream continuation of the Mississippi River as the Missouri River carries more water than the Mississippi River at the confluence of the two rivers.

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