
Making star piece sign in Facebook

by Guest967  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I have a very interesting question regarding Facebook. I happen to have seen the star piece sign drawn on Facebook status but I do not ever see that sign any where either on the Facebook or on my keyboard. For this reason I am curious to know how we can make a star peice in Facebook. I would appreciate if anybody here knows how to do it.

 Tags: facebook, piece, sign, Star



  1. Guest7911

    You always automatically see your friends' status updates while logging in to Facebook. It is inevitable that you must have noticed that some of your friends can insert symbols or special characters into their updates, such as musical notes. It takes little time to do so, if you want to insert a star piece sign into your Facebook status. You just need to find the symbols you want then cut and paste. If you do not want to go to the website then you can do it by yourself by simply holding ‘alt’ then typing & #9733; ★ for full star and typing &9734 for empty star. For the other symbols you can do so by holding ‘&’ then typing any coded as given below in the list. Some other commonly used symbols and the methods of creating them are listed below:

    & #9733; ★ full star

    & #9734; ☆ empty star

    & #9774 ☮ peace sign----the peace sign does not have the semicolon.

    & #9834; ♪ music note

    & #9775; ☯ yin & yang

    & #9812; ♔ crown

    & #3212; ಌ heart

    & #9825; ♡ empty heart

    & hearts; ♥ black heart suit

    & #9729; ☁ cloud

    & #9792; ♀ female symbol

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