
Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali Island Indonesia

by Guest2203  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Anyone can inform me please, what are the details of Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali Island Indonesia?

 Tags: Bali, Indonesia, island, museum, Negeri, Propinsi



  1. Guest3174
    Bali, the paradise land of Indonesia attracts a lot of tourists because of its natural scenic beauty and other important interests. Apart from Sightseeing in Bali you can also engage yourself in exploring the other interesting locations of the isle. Tourist Attractions in Bali include everything from zoo to temples, parks, caves, lakes, museums and so forth. The Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali is one such attractive tourist location in Bali.
    The Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali is the Provincial State Museum of the province. One of the finest among the Bali Museums, the Museum Negeri Propinsi was originally erected in 1910 by the Dutch to conserve the cultural artifacts. This was primarily because in those colonial days quite a number of artifacts were exported to Netherlands and given to museums. It was again rebuilt in 1917 after an earthquake. This historical building stands on Jalan Let Kol Wisnu near alun alun in Denpasar close to South Bali.
    Bali's Museum Negeri Propinsi features 4 buildings reflecting various architectural styles of the ancient times of the country. Prehistoric objects and traditional artifacts like traditional calendars, dance costumes, religious artifacts and textiles find their abode in this historical establishment.
    The buildings of the Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali in Indonesia is encompassed by lush green courtyards with tropical plants and dotted with colorful flowers. Divided into separate courtyards with one building each, the total complex reflects the amalgamation of a pura and a puri style meaning temple and palace respectively.
    The Museum Negeri Propinsi in Bali is generally open from 8 am to 3.30 pm daily for the tourists to take a look at the ancient style and artifacts of Indonesia.

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