
Museum Semarajaya in Bali Island Indonesia

by Guest7094  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Is there anyone who can tell me some sufficient details about Museum Semarajaya in Bali Island Indonesia?

 Tags: Bali, Indonesia, island, museum, Semarajaya



  1. Guest8151
    Bali is a magical beach island and what sets it apart from other holiday destinations is the fact that it offers a complete holiday experience. With the splendid natural beauty and amazing landscapes, it is truly a paradise on earth. Besides the myriad tourist attractions in Bali, the Island has a rich cultural past and a glorious history. The Balinese art form and the ancient artifacts of Bali is the reflection of the strong cultural roots of Bali. If you wish to see the artifacts and antique items in close view then do pay a visit to the prominent Bali Museums. Museum Semarajaya in Bali is one of the notable museums which preserve the archeological objects and traditional artifacts.
    Museum Semarajaya in Bali, ideally located on the eastern side of the Puputan Square and Monument, is one of the scenic places for the visitors going for Sightseeing in Bali. The museum was initially built by the Dutch people who came to Bali around 1900 A.D. The museum was built in 1910. After its establishment it was destroyed once by an explosion of Gunung Batur. It is an prominent area of Bali which sits 1,500 meters above the sea level and is only a hour's drive, ideally located at northeast of Denpasar. The museum again came back into existence in 1925 but it was only in1932 that it gained in prominence and established itself as one of the notable Bali museums like the Agung Rai Museum of Art in Bali.
    Museum Semarajaya in Bali displays the collection of great artifacts and antique items which exemplify the rich historical past of Bali. Due to the prominence of this museum, the museum also finds its mention in the Bali Travel Guide. You can also find the paintings of great artistes and painters displayed here. The well known artist Walter Spies had a great contribution in bringing together the compilation of archeological items and traditional artifacts to this museum. It also exhibits the wide assortment of traditional weapons, dance and ceremonial costumes, clay and potteries, paintings and furniture which dwells in the group of buildings which make up the complex of Museum Semarajaya in Bali.

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