
My Baby rabbits rocks and does not eat vegetables

by Guest7300  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My Baby rabbits rocks and does not eat vegetables unless i sit with him turn on the TV to Sunday night game.  He requires more attention than my girlfriend who is now looking at my baby rabbit as a threat.  I can see it in her eyes she just wants to do something nasty to him.  I do sit with him all the time to make sure he does not stay hungry but it is coming to a point where my girlfriend is not having it.

It's only a baby rabbit, why can't she understand it depends on me due to the love we share. i love the rabbit and the rabbit loves me.  i really need help on two fronts:

a. How can i get my rabbit to eat without me sitting with him throughout his meal?
b. How can i get my girlfriend to understand "Milky" (my rabbit) is not a threat to our relationship?

 Tags: baby, eat, rabbits, Rocks, vegetables



  1. Guest3513
    Provide your rabbit with 2 handfulls of rabbit food a day, along with plenty of hay. The rabbit should eat regardless of you being there, if he is hungry. Vegetables are only an optional supplement to a healthy diet of feed and hay. If your bunny truly does not eat anything, he needs to visit the vet to rule out any stomach problems or hair blockages.

  2. Guest721
    you could put your rabbit in a cage and put vegetables in its cage and let it eat but dont let it see you
  3. Guest7760
    spend more time with your girl and put the rabbit down geez. it will eat when its ready to. you dont have to sit there and force feed it. tv doesnt make a bunny want to eat. i think thats just your excuse to have to watch the game and ignore your girlfriend.
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