
My best friend is now a bully.What should I do?

by Guest1826  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My best friend keeps on bulling people but I dont have the guts to come out and say stop any advice?

 Tags: bully.What, friend



  1. Guest1837
    Maybe u could tell her how she makes u and other people feel when she is bullying them sit her down somewhere with u and let her no so maybe she might understand or if ur not confident enough rite a letter and put it under her desk and tell her about the good times like at your birthday party she was being very nice ask her why she has changed and it isnt nice.

    Hopfully shell stop and be your best friend again Hope this helps GOOD LUCK


  2. Guest121
    Maybe u could tell her how she makes u and other people feel when she is bullying them sit her down somewhere with u and let her no so maybe she might understand or if ur not confident enough rite a letter and put it under her desk and tell her about the good times like at your birthday party she was being very nice ask her why she has changed and it isnt nice.

    Hopfully shell stop and be your best friend again Hope this helps GOOD LUCK

  3. Guest7423
    Friends ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE FOR YOU.IF SHE DOSE NOT GET THAT,SHE IS NOT A TRUE FRIEND.TALK TO HER TELL HER THAT SHE NEEDS TO CHANGE.BRING UP FACTS!MORE GROWNUPS WHO WERE BULLIED AS KIDS, STRUGGLE WITH DEPRESSION.tell her that she is a good friend and you dont want to lose her.Tell her that she is not proving a point being a bully.good luck and stay strong!!!!!
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