
My dishwasher keeps filling with water even when door is open and dishwasher is off.

by Guest7491  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Had to turn off the water to make it stop.  Floater moves up and down freely.

 Tags: dishwasher, door, filling, Water



  1. jane

    There are many things that could be causing this and only knowing the brand and not the age or model I'm taking stabs...
    Here are a few things 'I' would look for. I'm not appliance repair guru by trade however I've had my fair share.

    The Float/ discharge screen:

    You need to check to see if the float is sticking. The float is located inside on the bottom of the unit(usually in one of the corners). It should move freely up and down. Make sure there isn't any debris like food scraps, utensil a build up of crud or water deposits restricting this movement. It won't take much to render the float ineffective if any of these are present.

    There is a debris screen/grate with small holes or slots punched in it located inside the unit under the lower spray arm. This can also become clogged with debris. If it's covered then it needs to be cleaned using a stiff brush.

    The discharge Pump:

    located outside on the bottom behind the front kick cover. (Usually w- 2 wires coming from it).
    Can you here it humming when it's in the pump mode? When it's in this mode put your fingers on it; you should feel it slightly vibrating....(BE CAREFUL YOU DON'T TOUCH THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS)
    If neither of these are noticed I would suspect the pump as the culprit.

    Discharge hose/connection:

    Depending on where this is connected you may have some debris blocking the opening/hose. Check to make sure it's not clogged. Trace it from where it's connected on the washer itself all the way to the point of discharge whether it be into the sink drain or a garbage disposal. Disconnect it at the sink drain and run it till it gets to the discharge mode to see if the water is coming out the hose(Make sure you have a big enough container to catch the water). If water comes out than the blockage is in the actual sink drain or disposal therefor it's just backing back into the unit. If no water is present then the issue goes back to the washer itself.

    Don't forget to check the hose itself!!

    So long as the unit fully cycles than I wouldn't think it has anything to do with the timer.

    hope it helps

  2. jane

    There are many things that could be causing this and only knowing the brand and not the age or model I'm taking stabs...
    Here are a few things 'I' would look for. I'm not appliance repair guru by trade however I've had my fair share.

    The Float/ discharge screen:

    You need to check to see if the float is sticking. The float is located inside on the bottom of the unit(usually in one of the corners). It should move freely up and down. Make sure there isn't any debris like food scraps, utensil a build up of crud or water deposits restricting this movement. It won't take much to render the float ineffective if any of these are present.

    There is a debris screen/grate with small holes or slots punched in it located inside the unit under the lower spray arm. This can also become clogged with debris. If it's covered then it needs to be cleaned using a stiff brush.

    The discharge Pump:

    located outside on the bottom behind the front kick cover. (Usually w- 2 wires coming from it).
    Can you here it humming when it's in the pump mode? When it's in this mode put your fingers on it; you should feel it slightly vibrating....(BE CAREFUL YOU DON'T TOUCH THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS)
    If neither of these are noticed I would suspect the pump as the culprit.

    Discharge hose/connection:

    Depending on where this is connected you may have some debris blocking the opening/hose. Check to make sure it's not clogged. Trace it from where it's connected on the washer itself all the way to the point of discharge whether it be into the sink drain or a garbage disposal. Disconnect it at the sink drain and run it till it gets to the discharge mode to see if the water is coming out the hose(Make sure you have a big enough container to catch the water). If water comes out than the blockage is in the actual sink drain or disposal therefor it's just backing back into the unit. If no water is present then the issue goes back to the washer itself.

    Don't forget to check the hose itself!!

    So long as the unit fully cycles than I wouldn't think it has anything to do with the timer.

    hope it helps
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