
NWFP Assembly passes resolution against Israeli atrocities

by Guest5224  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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NWFP Assembly passes resolution against Israeli atrocities

 Tags: assembly, atrocities, Israeli, nwfp, Passes, resolution



  1. Guest176
    The NWFP Assembly on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution calling for an immediate end of Israeli atrocities on innocent Palestinian people.

    The joint resolution was tabled in the assembly to express solidarity with defenseless Palestinian people and to end Israeli onslaught in Gaza.

    Provincial minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour, members of provincial assembly Nighat Orakzai, Abdul Karim Khan and Mufti Kifayatullah presented the resolution which was unanimously adopted by the assembly.

    The resolution demands that the Palestine issue should be resolved under the United Nations resolution. It also calls for immediate end to Israeli aggression in Gaza.

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