
Namaste Sir, mi Archana maji birthdate 25/06/1986 ahe janam time 2.05 pm ras makar ahe maja laganacha yog ya varshi ahe ka please ans me sir please.....

by archana  |  12 years, 5 month(s) ago

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Namaste Sir, mi Archana maji birthdate 25/06/1986 ahe janam time 2.05 pm ras makar ahe maja laganacha yog ya varshi ahe ka please ans me sir please.....

 Tags: 2.05, 25061986, ahe, ans, archana, Birthdate, janam, KA, laganacha, Maja, maji, makar, Mi, Namaste, Please, PM, RAS, Sir, time, varshi, ya, yog

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