
Name 100 Skills Every Man Should Know

by Guest3657  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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lets see what you guys can come up with?

 Tags: 100, name, skills



  1. Guest1777
    1. Jump-start a car

    2. Iron a shirt

    3. Get a girl

    4. Hide it from the other half

    5. Change a diaper

    6. Shine shoes

    7. Visit America

    8. Shoot a home movie

    9. Install a graphics card

    10.Love for Lust

    Pls add more things men should know

  2. Guest5512
    in my opinion:
    1) kiss
    2) drive car
    3) dress
    4) lie convincingly
    5) talk smoothly
    other things fall in place automatically!

  3. Guest6407
    1. kiss = but depends on who you are kissing
    2. Drive a car = Drive something that is worth driving
    3. Dress = make sure to Dress to impress but never over do it
    4. lie convincingly = to your girlfriend but never lie to your wife, never lie to your kids, doctor or lawyer and never lie to yourself
    5. smooth talking = is there any other way?

    it order of importance

    1. find a fine women
    2. wine and dine are good
    3. go for a walk
    4. Ability to listen
    5. Have lots of money
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