
Naomi Watts turns 39

by Guest102411  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Naomi Watts turns 39

 Tags: 39, Naomi, watts



  1. Guest102412
    Born in United Kingdom on September 28, 1968, but has Australian citizenship because at age 14 began to live in Sydney. The actress began her career in Australian television series, incluidasHome and Away, Brides of ChristyHey Dad..!. He also had a supporting role in the film Flirting (1991) with Nicole Kidman.

    The film that launched her to fame was Mulholland Driv (2001), under the direction of David Lynch, which premiered in 2001 at the Cannes Film elFestival.

    In 2005 came the cinesKing Kong, directed byPeter Jackson, which has been the most commercial film Watts throughout his film career. That year turned down the role offered to him in Fantastic 4, and subsequently interpretarÃ_aJessica Alba.

    Since spring 2005 is a couple of actorLiev Schreiber. The couple 's first son, Alexander " Sasha" Peter, was born July 25, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. His second son, Samuel "Sammy" Kay, was born on December 13, 2008 inNew York. In addition, in April 2010 reported in an interview that he would like to have a third child if you would ensure that it would be a girl.

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