
One of groupon write-ups stated that hummingbirds come from cocoons. is that true?

by Guest5867  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have read in one of groupon write-ups that hummingbirds come from cocoons. Is this thing true? Can someone tell me that?

 Tags: Cocoons, groupon, hummingbirds, stated, true, writeups



  1. Guest4709
    Yes it is correct that hummingbirds come from cocoons.

  2. Guest3719

    They use cacoons from butterflies,. and webs from spiders to line their tiny cup shaped nest.


  3. Guest6664

    It is NOT correct. They have nests that are woven from silk and other dainty materials, but they most definitely come from eggs. How do I know? I've seen the nests and egg remnants in them.

  4. Guest240

    If Humming Birds came from cocoons, then how does the bird reproduce?  Cocoons are made by the host itself to change into it's next life stage.

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