
Ottawa ByWard Market

by Guest8522  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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City of Ottawa Byward Market is one of a kind! Established by Lt-Colonel John By in 1826, it is one of Canada's oldest and largest outdoor markets. No other city in North America can boast an urban space so rich in history, commerce, food and entertainment. No wonder the ByWard Market is Ottawa's #1 tourist attraction! no way you been to ottawa and have not visited the byward market.

What is Refreshing A Local Tradition all about?

Refreshing A Local Tradition is a project of renewal, a celebration of locally grown and produced food and art & craft, aimed at bringing new life to Ottawa's ByWard Market. This important initiative was inspired by you -- Ottawa area consumers and tourists who recognize the Market's significant contribution to the culture of our city.

The overwhelming majority of ByWard Market shoppers - residents and tourists alike - have told us they want to 'buy local' from the vendors who grew it themselves. Clearly, shoppers like you understand the importance of supporting our local farmers, and reducing the environmental impact of transporting goods from thousands of miles away.

 Tags: ByWard, market, Ottawa



  1. Guest8547
    one of the best market in the world. very good place to spend your weekends.

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