
Overview of Civilian War Memorial Singapore?

by Guest8298  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My younger brother is searching for key information on Overview of Civilian War Memorial Singapore but cannot find it. Can someone tell me about my query I am looking for.

 Tags: civilian, Memorial, overview, singapore, War



  1. Guest2787
    Located opposite Raffles City Shopping Centre is the War Memorial Park, where a 67-meter high landmark stands in remembrance of some 40,000 to 50,000 lives lost during the Japanese Occupation. Built in 1964, it is better known to locals as the 'Chopsticks Memorial' with its four tapered columns symbolizing the four main races, Malay, Chinese, Tamil and 'Others' (including Eurasian and European). A short walk from the City Hall MRT station, this imposing white structure is situated in a beautiful setting of flowers and fountains.

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