
Pakistani leaders reactions over wikileaks documents.

by Guest6808  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Pakistani leaders have reacted surprisingly over the released documents by wikileaks. It was written in a news article that: Pakistan's leadership convened on Friday for a second day reportedly to work out a strategy on the embarrassing WikiLeaks disclosures, which are being called "Cable-gate" here. They portray deteriorating relations between the civilian government and the powerful army. But at the close of the meeting there was no mention of WikiLeaks, though the government insisted there was "complete unanimity" among the state institutions. The classified cables provide a glimpse into the competing personalities inside Pakistan and how they view one another. Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani comes across as thoughtful but bordering on the contemptuous of the country's civilian rulers. President Asif Ali Zardari tells a visiting American delegation "we won't act without consulting you," a remark portrayed in the local media as a president perhaps too eager to please his U.S. ally. Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif also repeatedly tells the U.S. embassy he is "pro-American," and thanks Ambassador Anne Patterson for "arranging" the appointment of Kayani as Army Chief. When the leaders of the state are corrupts and cowards, what can they do about the allegations from the out siders. They themselves are ruining the name of country. Leaders like Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif should not given the opportunity to rule Pakistan again. These guys are not more than bunch of cowards and robbers. They can't counter the allegation or revelation from west in order to harm the country. If someone wants to say anything you are free to write your views here.

 Tags: documents, leaders, Pakistani, reactions, wikileaks



  1. Guest9336

     The rich store of WikiLeaks revelations about Pakistan have monopolized headlines and the political agenda for over ten days. But some stories are considered too hot to touch. While cables exposing the foibles of Pakistan's civilian leaders triggered a media feeding frenzy, the press largely ignored revelations that cast the powerful military in a bad light, including its alleged support for Islamist extremist groups such as the Taliban. That left politicians struggling to bat off embarrassing allegations, such as the bearded religious firebrand seen cosying up to the American ambassador, President Asif Zardari's obsession with his death, or prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani's secret support for CIA drone strikes.

    "Don't trust WikiLeaks," Gilani told reporters in Kabul at the weekend, attempting to brush off the revelations as "the observations of junior diplomats". Beside him President Hamid Karzai, also tarred in the dispatches, nodded solemnly. Rarely have the sparring neighbours agreed so easily. Coverage of army chief General Ashfaq Kayani focused on revelations that he threatened to oust Zardari last year but held back because he "distrusted" opposition contender Nawaz Sharif. The army issued a statement that Kayani "holds all political leaders in esteem". But most reporters shied away from US intelligence assessments that the army under Kayani continues to support the Taliban and Mumbai attackers Lashkar-e-Taiba. "ISI extols the virtues of some Taliban elements" read one small headline that provided no other details; otherwise loquacious television anchors were largely silent on the matter. One exception was the new Express Tribune paper. "It has always been an open secret that the military acts as puppet master," said an editorial "Only now do we have confirmation of just how tenuous the hold of democracy in the country really is."

    Pakistani conspiracy theorists insisted the cables had been deliberately leaked as part of a Washington plot to discredit the Muslim world; the Saudi ambassador described them as "a rapist's propaganda".

    But for most Pakistanis, the cables simply confirmed how much influence the US wields over their military and civilian leaders. Several headlines referred to the "WikiLeaks shame"; former diplomat Asif Ezdi said they proved Pakistan had become "the world's biggest banana republic".

    The judiciary, meanwhile, liked the cables. Dismissing an attempt to block their publication, High Court judge Sheikh Azmat Saeed, said that WikiLeaks "may cause trouble for some personalities" but would be "good for the progress of the nation in the long run."

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