
Pakistan's survival depends on ......

by Guest8850  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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A  country's existence depends on economic  stability,atomic power, strong Armed forces ,political stability, nation's unity or smart leadership? Wat is the utmost it needs ?Wat do we have & where do v lack in ........

 Tags: ......, depends, Pakistan's, Survival



  1. Guest2466
    you know why pakistan was seperated from hindustan INDIA..
    because muslims were not able to live with hindus
    hindu worship cows and muslim eat them.
    so it was very difficult to live with hindus.

    it was made on supreme rule of ISlam to practice ISlam.
    and their moto was PAKISTAN KA MATLAB KIA??
    = pakistan means there is not Gog but Allah
    so its survival is only if we kept our promise with Allah SWT who gave us this beautiful land.
    full of blessings...

  2. Guest2127
    If people had common sense, then it would have hope. But right now, its going down the drain.... But dawn alawys comes after darkness, right?
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