
Parliament of Singapore

by Guest8836  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My uncle is doing his research work on the topic Singapore elections, anyone can tell him about details of Parliament of Singapore.

 Tags: parliament, singapore



  1. Guest7817
    Singapore Parliament is single house and has three types of Members of Parliament (MPs). They are:
    Elected MPs;
    Non-Constituency MPs; and
    Nominated MPs.

    Elected MPs form the bulk and are elected at an election on a one-man-one-vote system based on simple majority (popularly known as first-pass-the-post system).

    Elected MPs could be returned from Single Member Constituencies (SMC) and Group Representation Constituencies (GRC). Each SMC returns 1 MP while each GRC returns 3, 4, 5 or 6 MPs, one of whom must be from the Malay Community or the Indian or Other Minority Communities. This is to ensure that the minority groups are represented in Singapore Parliament. For the upcoming General Election, 12 SMCs and 15 GRCs making a total of 27 constituencies and 87 MPs.

    Non-constituency MPs (NCMPs) are chosen from candidates of a political party or parties not forming the Government. The Constitution and the Parliamentary Elections Act provide that for the next and subsequent Parliaments, the number of NCMPs shall be 9 less the total number of elected Opposition MPs in Parliament. The number of NCMPs coming from any one GRC shall be capped at 2, and the number from any SMC shall not be more than one.

    Nominated MPs (NMPs) are Singapore Citizens nominated by a Special Select Committee of Parliament for appointment by the President. NMP does not stand for election. The Constitution provides for 9 NMPs.

    The NCMPs and NMPs shall not vote on Bills pertaining to financial and constitutional matters.

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