
Perry is jealous of Beyoncé

by Guest102218  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Perry is jealous of Beyoncé

 Tags: BeyoncÃ, jealous, Perry



  1. Guest102219
    Katy Perry recientementedijo to periodistasque is " jealous " of the news of the baby of Beyoncé, even mentioned in a twitter that she and husband Russell Brand are available to care for children at any time; but the singer still want to have children.

    The cantata 26, saidthat she is thinking demasiadoocupada with sucarreracomo enbebés, however, says that when the time comes will raise their children as their parents did with her and her siblings. Katy and the English actor married last October.

    She said to InStyle magazine: "I will have an ameliorative more open approach, setting lÃ_mitesy teach (their children) quesus what decisions and choices can produce."

    Sobresupropia educaciÃ_nestrictacristiana Perryhahablado before, stating that " notuvo a childhood," said Wing Vanity Fair, in May this year.

    Katy did historiaen August, when 5 single from his latest discoTeenage dreamllegÃ_ to be No. 1 like previous singles from the album, becoming elunico artist to do so.

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