
Private Adoption Without Any Adoption Agency Involvement: 10Months Old Twin Babies (boy and girl)

by parker  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Hi, I want to give my loving fraternal twin babies out for private adoption without an adoption agency involvement. I'm a nursing mother and a single parent to this fraternal twin babies, I'm not in a good physical health condition (disabled or crippled as a result of car accident) and my present physical condition make it unable for me to hold on to the responsibility of raising this children single handed because i don’t have a job as I stay at home, my financial stand is bad, I have no family support, my present physical condition make things very hard or practically impossible for me to get a job over here etc. So I'm here because i hope to get my twin babies a good home and a tenderly loving parent(s) that will dedicate all their life’s, time and patience in loving and raising the babies in a very loving environment etc. Mr. /Mrs., Our babies are in excellent medical and physical health conditions with weights, feed well, up to date on all their vaccines, well social, playful, cheerful, very intelligent in their activities and with excellent medical reports. Except of my physical health condition, I'm also in the best of healthy condition, not a smoker nor an alcoholic, never been detente or indulge in any criminal activities, never had any venereal diseases etc. I love this twin in as much as i love my self and I’m very proud of them for being very handsome/ beautiful children etc.; my placing them up for adoption is just to get them a family and home that I can trust with my life to forever love and cares for them better than I can do. Please, I will be more than just being happy to bless your with my twin provided you are the type of family I want for them. Contact me via my email address ““. Thanks

 Tags: 10Months, adoption, agency, babies, Boy, girl, Involvement, private, twin



  1. rachel glover

     if your still looking for a home feel free to contact me and i shall discuss anything you wanna know

  2. shieldssheryl

    hello. i am a twin and my husband and i are really interested. we live in texas and our son is 16 going on seventeen. i cant have anymore children. i have pcos and we have been trying for 15 years to have another child. our son keeps asking us why he does not have a brother and sister and it is very hard for us to tell him. this would be a blessing. please contact us at

  3. Nicole

    hey am looking to adopt so plz contact me at my email anytime the sooner the better.

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