
RCA 32F650T will not power-up. What is the problem?

by Guest275  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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My RCA 32F650T was working perfectly until last weekend, when all of a sudden it stopped powering up. The power-on light would blink a few times and then go off completely. I suspected fuse problem, so I carefully took off the back-cover. Sure enough the 5AMP 125 Volt fuse was burnt. However, when I put in a new fuse that also blew up immediately. I have not done anything else with set since then. What is the problem/solution?

 Tags: 32F650T, powerup, RCA



  1. Guest4913
    Please delete this question. I posted it, and I have not received any answers. So far my requests for the post to be deleted have not been acknowledged. Thank you.

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