
Renaissance humanism

by Guest8261  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Renaissance humanism

 Tags: Humanism, Renaissance



  1. nandinishetye
    Renaissance humanism was a European intellectual movement that was a crucial component of the Renaissance, beginning in Florence in the last years of the 14th century. The humanist movement developed from the rediscovery by European scholars of classical Latin and later Greek texts. Initially, a humanist was simply a scholar or teacher of Latin literature. By the mid-15th century humanism described a curriculum — the studia humanitatis — comprising grammar, rhetoric, moral philosophy, poetry and history as studied via classical authors. Humanists mostly believed that, although God created the universe, it was humans that had developed and industrialized it. Beauty, a popular topic, was held to represent a deep inner virtue and value, and an essential element in the path towards God.

    The humanists were often opposed to philosophers of the preceding movement of Scholasticism, the "schoolmen" of the universities of Italy, Paris, Oxford and elsewhere. The scholastics' methodology was also derived from the classics, especially Thomas Aquinas' synthesis of the thought of Aristotle, and a classical debate which referred back to Plato and the Platonic dialogues was revived.

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