
Restrictions on items by Qantas that bring into and out of Australia

by Guest2379  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Are there any restrictions on items by Qantas that I can bring into and out of Australia? Please help.

 Tags: Australia, bring, items, Qantas, Restrictions



  1. Guest7420
    Australian Customs manages the movement of goods and people across the Australian border.

    There are restrictions on goods by Qantas that you can bring in and out of Australia including animal and plant material, food, wildlife, drugs and medicinal products, firearms and more than A$10,000 of currency.

    You may need to declare good to Qantas s upon arrival into, or departure from Australia. For further details, refer to the 'Information for Travellers' section on the Australian Customs website

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